Last week I had the immense pleasure of attending the SPELLERS conference at the Mall of America, in Bloomington, MN. Spellers Freedom Foundation ( ) put the conference on as a conference FOR SPELLERS and BY SPELLERS. It was amazing. While there are critics out there regarding letter board use, you CANNOT DENY the amazing moments I and other attendees witnessed from the SPELLERS. Young men and women who are THANKFUL and appreciative for the opportunity to learn how to Spell to Communicate via a letter board and eventually onto a keyboard. Luckily these individuals are no longer stuck in their minds with no way to communicate. Spelling to Communicate (S2C) has saved allowed them to become who they want to be! Authors, Song Writers, Poets, COLLEGE GRADUATES, Valedictorians, Political Council, Advocates for spellers and other disabilities plus athletes and an active participant in LIFE. There is no denying that this method works!!!!! We all came together as a Spellerverse that PRESUMES COMPETENCE and there is no doubt in my mind that I was among BRILLIANT and ELOQUENT spellers at the conference. Spellers usually have "apraxia", a brain-body disconnect that doesn't allow the individual to speak, but they sure CAN think, write, and learn just like anyone else. The speeches, poetry, songs, presentations, answering on-demand questions from the audience and so much more was phenomenal. Now that we all KNOW - we cannot turn our back on the non-speaking, echoic speaking or unreliable speaking individuals that do have intact thinking and cognition. These individuals CANNOT be discounted, they CANNOT be thrown to the side or dismissed. They need to be SEEN and HEARD for their beautiful, individual and unique selves. They are a force that needs to be reckoned with in a POSITIVE way because they DESERVE to be a productive part of society like everyone else. Let the REVOLUTION of SPELLERS continue on and on. I am so proud to be a part of the SPELLERVERSE helping individuals with apraxia and more. I PRESUME COMPETENCE and our office is a safe place for anyone with disabilities!
I am so thankful to my family for supporting me on this amazing new journey. We found a beautiful space to call "Found My Voice" home and my husband and kiddos have been so helpful.
I am so thankful to Samantha for making a leap of faith with me on this journey! She knew nothing about Spelling to Communicate until I shared it with her and she has been beyond amazing in helping us get our new office off the ground. Samantha's husband has also been so helpful and kind to us. I am so thankful to my SPELLERS. You are the reason I am here and I cannot wait until you are all open and we can have amazing conversations with one another about things that matter to YOU! I am so thankful to my PARENTS of spellers for dedicating your time and energy into helping your child learn the S2C method and become open. It is a revolution for sure and beyond amazing. THANK YOU ALL! Found My Voice, Inc. is NOW OPEN and accepting new clients! Our first week was fabulous and we met some amazing Spellers this week. We are looking forward to working with more Spellers too!
You may fill out the Information form here on the website to schedule an appointment or you may call or text us directly at 815-396-4488. The Spellers Revolution has begun all around the world and we are so proud to be a part of the narrative. Non-speakers, echoic speakers and unreliable speakers have a right to have their voices heard and we are here to help! Non-speaking does NOT equal non-thinking and we can all learn a lot of non-speakers. They know what you are saying. They understand your words and conversations. They want to be included and they can be more included in everyday life with S2C and other alternative communication methods. Here at Found My Voice, Inc. we are OPEN to other modalities of communication so if you or your loved one uses an ACC device, it is OK to bring it with them to appointments. We respect our Spellers and learning to use a letter board will take some hard work and practice. We understand and we want what is best for the Speller. Our goal is to support YOU on your journey and we have many options that can help you meet your goals. Now, if you have no idea what S2C is or you want to learn more, I am inviting you to watch the SPELLERS movie through Kinema. I have "seats" reserved for individuals to watch the SPELLERS movie June 12th through June 26th on-demand at your own home! You can register NOW for the opportunity and then YOU can select the day/time you watch the movie between 7pm on June 12th through June 26th at 7pm. Once you start the movie you will have 24 hours to watch it for FREE, courtesy of Found My Voice, Inc. Register for the SPELLERS Movie HERE: After watching the movie, I will be offering 30 minute sessions via phone or zoom to answer any questions you may have about the movie and it's contents. These 30 minute sessions must be SCHEDULED with our office 815-396-4488 or [email protected] We look forward to the Spellers revolution continuing and we hope you can join us! |
AuthorPaulette Trotsky Archives
September 2024
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